New life to Organizations page

We have updated the organizations page as well, so now you can manage information about your partners and customers, including general, contact and address information. The new design gives you a more readable and better structured view of your information and simply...

New life to Main systems page!

The main system page lets users manage the information about a particular main system. This includes general information about the main system, its warranty, and location. The new view is better structured and readable and contains all the necessary information in a...

New life to Plants page!

We have updated the plant page, so it is now better structured and easily readable.  With the new plant page the user can now see the plant location in an interactive map and view all the main systems that belong to it! From here the user can systematically set...

​Authorization, user roles and permissions management

System administrators now have the ability to set up and configure applier teams, roles and permissions due to the new resource-based authorization model. Prior to this release, users and roles were defined through Active directory groups. To reduce the dependency on...

Automatic synchronization with offline app

Now the Offline Mobile Inspections app synchronizes with Asset Integrity Hub automatically every 5 minutes.  This ensures that the web application and the app are always synchronized. Now the technician can forget about mandatory manual synchronization and focus...