Monitor and predict

Run all monitors and get all notifications at one place


AIH allows to harvest data-driven and actionable insights from deployed analytical models and monitors.
Start your day with the overview of your assets and act on the most vulnerable ones in your portfolio. Mitigate the risks of expensive maintenance by acting in advance and preventing consequential damages. Exchange insights across departments and partner organizations  to align on your efforts in increasing the reliability of your assets.


Visual results – right at your fingertips
  • See the status of all monitors running on each asset.
  • Get right to the monitors needing action, through a simple intuitive scoring
  • Filter for the systems of interest
  • Click, investigate and take actions
Setup and run monitors
  • Select from the library of models released by the analysts
  • Set thresholds and other execution parameters specific to your need
  • Specify the population of assets the monitor must run on
  • See status and results per asset
Develop and run your own analytical models
  • As an analyst team; keep track of all your models under development.
  • Set status, ownership, development process parameters and default model execution infrastrature
  • Directly link the model in your model repository to the AIH model

See where our solutions can take your business

Discover why leading businesses and top industry players manage their assets with Asset Integrity Hub